
With the AOK best insured during your study.

For your registration on a German University you need a statutory Health Insurance.

Your first class service is fully provided by AOK. Before you entry Germany you’ll get all the documents necessary for the visa application and the registration at the university.

These best and first class service you can get to a reasonable amount.

You get extensive coverage for entire Germany just by using your AOK insurance card. With your card you can go directly to a doctor and get your medical treatments.

There are no restricts in the medical treatment with the AOK. There will be no advanced payments, as the doctor sends the invoice directly to the AOK.

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Your electronic card insures you in most of the European countries, in acute health situations.
On the reverse of the card there is an EHIC – European Health Insurance Card. You’ll get the necessary medical service at a doctor, dentist or hospitals.
Also insured are: check-ups, medical treatments, required vaccinations, hospitals, dental treatments, curing-aids and remedies and many other items.
AOK is the competent service partner when you need information about health care, social insurances and many other topics around your studies abroad.

You can apply for the visa in your home country with our health insurance. For the registration at the university you have to use the insurance document “Versicherungsbescheinigung” issued by us.

We also issue a health insurance policy and social security number in case of internship or employment.

There is not necessary to have a bank account, ahead of arrival, to apply for the insurance. You don’t need to pay the first amount immediatly!

You easily can solve all the details with the AOK as soon as you arrived in Germany.

Should you have any further questions, please view the video or contact us personally.

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